he Nebraska Legislature on Friday will consider a motion to suspend the rules to revisit LR 14, which was indefinitely postponed earlier this session after failing to receive enough votes to be pulled out of the Government, Military and Veteran Affairs Committee.

LR 14 is a measure to petition Congress to call a convention to make changes to the U.S. Constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress. “Fiscal restraints” could include a balanced budget amendment, debt limits and even the elimination of the federal income tax.

In addition to being unpopular both nationwide and in Nebraska, a constitutional convention would likely be immensely damaging to our state and national well-being. You can read more about our concerns with LR 14 this policy brief.

Friday’s motion will attempt to suspend the rules to provide that LR 14 no longer be designated as indefinitely postponed. If 30 senators vote to suspend the rules, LR14 will be voted out of committee and be placed on General File. This will make it eligible for debate in the 2022 Legislative session.

Nebraska Public Media will stream the rules suspension discussion live.