A decade ago, I had the honor of working with an amazing group of Nebraskans in helping to launch OpenSky Policy Institute.

At the time, we recognized a need to ensure our state’s tax and budget debates — which impact how we educate our children, care for our residents and grow our economy — were rooted in solid facts, sound data and trusted fiscal analysis, not political rhetoric and talking points.

Our aim was to create an organization that would become the most trusted voice in this vital discussion, a voice that would transcend partisan politics, urban-rural divides and other barriers that prevent productive policy debates.

At the time, I was honored and excited to be elected as OpenSky’s first board president. My time as president and as a board member has come and gone, but the pride and excitement about what OpenSky has done in the 10 years since its inception has not waned.

On Wednesday, this amazing organization turns 10 and I am humbled to say that thanks to the efforts of our incredible Executive Director Renee Fry and her outstanding team, OpenSky has surpassed the lofty goals we set for the organization back in 2011.

It was an absolute privilege to play a role in this group’s founding and evolution and I am very excited to see what the amazing team at OpenSky accomplishes in its next 10 years.

Please join me in wishing the OpenSky team a happy anniversary and in thanking them for their tireless efforts to ensure improved opportunities for every Nebraskan.

— Chuck Karpf, Former OpenSky Board Member and President