Registration is now open for a Friday, Jan. 8 OpenSky webinar about principles of sound tax policy.

As lawmakers prepare to resume the state’s tax debate, OpenSky Executive Director Renee Fry will host a discussion with Professors Richard Pomp of the University of Connecticut School of Law and Howard Chernick of Hunter College about the principles and ideas that should guide state and local tax policies.

The webinar will start at 1:30 p.m. and space is limited.

Along with his role as the Alva P. Loiselle Professor of Law, Professor Pomp serves as counsel and a litigation consultant to law firms, corporations, accounting firms and state tax administrations. His casebook, State and Local Taxation, now in its 9th edition, has been used in more than 100 schools, state tax administrations and major accounting firms for their internal training.

Professor Chernick is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He also is a research affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin. His research specializes in the economics of the public sector, with special attention to the distributional impacts of government spending and taxation. Professor Chernick has served on the boards of multiple tax policy organizations including the National Tax Association.

Reserve your spot today!